Tour the Daycare

Infant Room

Welcome to Magic Pencils Infant Room. We are having so much fun all day, learning about new things. The ratio with babies is 1 teacher to 3 babies. We have separate areas for sleep time and play time. In our play area, the floor is specially cushioned to insure the safety of the children. All surfaces have been decorated to be conducive to the theme, as well as general interest.

In the infant room we spend our days focusing on creative language, gross motor, fine motor and sensory activities to facilitate a whole new world of learning. We have weekly themes, daily schedules and outdoor activities which are posted for the parent's information.

The use of paint, glue, crayons, and many other items, which are centred on the theme, help us sharpen our Creative skills. All of our Creative efforts are carried out helping hand over baby hand, in order to only assist the children in expressing their own creativity.

For Language we focus on reading books, repetitive talk, singing songs, games, puppets, and finger plays. We play Music throughout the day as well as at sleep time. Sometimes we also play tapes with different languages.

Throughout the day we keep the children active and moving, to strengthen our Gross Motor skills. This may include exercising, dancing, and playing with balls. We also take walks in order to experience the outdoors. During the walks we carry out planned activities such as looking for cars, trucks, dogs, and colours, as well as listening for certain noises.

Our Fine Motor Skills are being challenged throughout the day by participating in building with blocks, rolling the Sensory bottles or balls, and playing with the linking toys. We believe SENSORY activities are very important for infants as they learn to explore their five senses, these being look, feel, listen, taste and touch. Our activities range from water and/or pudding play, to texture boards and feely bags where we look and feel, listen to the sounds and in some cases, taste.

We do our best to encourage the children to learn all of there is to learn at this age. We do this by toy rotation throughout the day to keep the children interested and stimulated and by doing all the other activities throughout the day as well. Each day, our toys are washed, as well as whenever a toy is put in an infants mouth, in order to minimize the spread of germs. Our infant room is kept as safe as possible by means of baby gates and cupboard locks, as well as keeping our eyes on your treasure and keeping the room tidy.

At Magic Pencils, we strive to provide nutritious snacks in both the morning and afternoon, as well as a wholesome lunch, for those children with the ability to ingest regular table foods. Should your child have any special nutritional needs, we ask that you provide the necessary variations.

Our Goal for the room is to do the best we can to have the children start learning, make sure that they are happy and well taken care of. We consider them our future and now is the time to give them the best start in life. We look forward to getting to know you and your child.

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